Next Group Starts January 2025

Welcome to the Brotherhood Beyond Business Mastermind Program, an exclusive community for male entrepreneurs committed to becoming the CEOs of their own lives. Our program focuses on ten critical domains, helping you elevate your weakest areas so that your strongest ones naturally become even more robust. We believe in creating a fulfilling life both inside and outside of business by harmonizing all aspects of your existence. Join us to level up in every domain, from physical dominance and mental fortitude to soulful alignment and deep relationships. Together, we'll achieve success that's as balanced and fulfilling as it is prosperous.

Prioritize health to lead your life. Build strength, fuel energy, and optimize for peak performance.

Tune work, relationships, and growth into harmony. Embrace reflection, mindfulness, and clarity for a life of purpose.

Develop inner strength to face challenges. Embrace a growth mindset, cultivate discipline, and build resilience with daily keystone habits.

Align business with passions for fulfillment and success. Create impact and prosperity while maintaining work-life harmony. Pursue your dreams.

Master finances to build sustainable wealth and freedom. Enhance financial literacy, create systems, and invest wisely for long-term prosperity.

Cultivate genuine connections for mutual growth and support. Prioritize quality, open communication, and invest in uplifting, enduring relationships.

Rediscover joy beyond routines. Prioritize leisure, embrace adventure, and indulge in hobbies for excitement and vitality.

Prioritize family well-being and happiness. Invest in strong relationships, quality time, open communication, and lead by example for a lasting legacy of love and values.

Pursue excellence and efficiency in all areas of life. Embrace technology, master time management, and strategize for unparalleled success.

Embrace continuous growth and self-discovery in every aspect of life. Commit to self-improvement, challenge comfort zones, and strive for excellence to unlock your full potential.

At it's core, the BBB is a mastermind designed to help male entrepreneurs become the best version of themselves across all life's domains. Most mastermind programs focus only on the business growth but we take a holistic approach to life because we know that if any one area of your life is struggling, it'll be hard to fully maximize even the areas that are going great.

It's not merely about excelling in a single domain, but rather, striving for the highest version of yourself across all dimensions. While some advocate relentless pursuit of wealth as the ultimate goal, this mindset falls short for many of us. We aspire for a more balanced and fulfilling life, where success is measured not just in monetary terms but also in personal growth and fulfillment.

Consider the example of Kobe Bryant, who sacrificed personal relationships and leisure for professional greatness. While admirable, this singular focus isn't the blueprint for everyone. As men with broader perspectives, we seek excellence in multiple arenas: as partners, parents, contributors to society, and individuals committed to personal development. This approach encompasses thriving in business, maintaining physical fitness, nurturing deep relationships, and embracing adventure.

The Brotherhood Beyond Business mastermind embodies this philosophy to help guide individuals toward CEO status in their own lives. It's a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to achieving excellence across various domains. Through mutual support, accountability, and shared experiences, members elevate each other in business and personal endeavors alike. Discussions range from entrepreneurial strategies to navigating relationships and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Our process emphasizes daily actions that cumulatively drive significant quarterly and annual progress. By focusing on 1-3 true priorities over 12-week periods, we ensure you address key areas that genuinely enhance your life and business. This consistent, focused effort across four quarters results in meaningful improvements, moving all life domains to a score of at least 7 on our assessment. Over time, this approach naturally elevates each domain, stacking years of consistent progress and helping you achieve long-term success.


    At the start, you'll complete a vision form outlining your goals for the next 3 years and any 10-year aspirations. This provides clarity for you and the mastermind group.


    Each member creates an annual plan focusing on broader goals, major projects, and life events. This is more of a roadmap than a detailed plan. We dedicate time each December to develop these plans.


    Quarterly plans are more detailed. You'll assess which area needs the most focus, identify 1 to 3 key priorities, and create a project plan, weekly habit, or focus block. The mastermind helps you stay on track and make significant progress.


    We use various tools like sheets, journals, and accountability partners to keep your priorities in focus and facilitate daily progress.


    We hold 3 virtual meetings per quarter and 2 live meetings annually to keep everyone accountable, provide advice, and check in on progress and well-being.

1. Yearly Development Planning

  • Annual Planning: Align your annual plan with your long-term vision using assessments, goal setting, and focused sessions. Includes a 4-hour group focus sessions at year-end to perfect your plan.

  • Quarterly Planning: Identify the most critical area for improvement each quarter, set action steps, and commit to the plan. Includes a 2-hour focus session at the end of each quarter for refinement.

  • Weekly Priority Planning: Tools and systems to pinpoint and focus on the key task each week to achieve your quarterly goal.

2. Tools To Improve Each Domain

  • Playbooks: Step-by-step manuals to guide improvement in each domain over a quarter.

  • Courses: Detailed breakdowns accompanying playbooks to help you improve specific areas.

  • Assessments: Tools to identify quarterly focus areas and pinpoint specific domains needing attention.

  • Keystone Habits: Essential habits for each domain, ensuring balanced improvement without neglecting other areas.

3. Accountability

  • Accountability Brother: Quarterly pairing with a teammate for focused accountability, involving weekly texts and bi-weekly 10-minute calls if advice is needed.

  • Mastermind Lead: Your leader helps you achieve long-term goals, provides necessary resources, and monitors trackers to ensure you're on the right path.

  • Top Priority Tracker: Group tool to hold each member accountable for the single priority committed to each quarter.

  • Pursuit Of Excellence Tracker: Individual tracker for your keystone habits in each domain throughout the year, showing progress and consistency.

  • Best Year Ever Journal: Tool by Darren Hardy offering daily and weekly snapshots to maintain focus on top priorities and avoid distractions.

4. Community

  • Small Groups of 10: We keep groups small for deep connection and focused progress.

  • Male Entrepreneurs Only: Exclusively for male entrepreneurs to ensure deep, relevant conversations.

  • Community Forum: Private online forum for discussions and support with all mastermind members.

  • Accountability: Shared journey fosters camaraderie and healthy competition to elevate performance.

  • Monthly Virtual Calls: One-hour monthly calls (except in-person months) for updates, strategies, and motivation.

  • In-Person Meetings: Biannual two-day immersive events for intensive collaboration.

Next Group Starts January 2025

"To laugh often and much: To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • You want to create a life of fulfillment in all domains

  • You are searching for a community of like-minded guys to dive deep into all of life with

  • You want to reach your greatest potential as a man

  • You are coachable and willing to work on areas even if they are uncomfortable

  • You listen to all the hustle gurus but know you want more out of life then just money

  • You don't have many people in your life that understand the life and struggles of entrepreneurship

  • You don't have many guy friends and are looking to build strong relationships

  • You want to be challenged and enjoy the camaraderie of a group of guys, like the feeling you had in sports growing up

  • If you like the competition of others doing great and it motivates you to push yourself to be better

  • If your business is in a struggling place and you only need business advice right now

  • If you only care about making money and not about improving all aspects of your life

  • If you aren't accountable to others and only do what you feel like doing

  • If you aren't team oriented and don't have a desire to help others grow

  • If you always feel like you should be the smartest person in the room

  • If you can't travel away from your business and/or family 2x/year

  • If you aren't willing to be honest and fully transparent with others

  • You are overly sensitive to others' opinions and aren't ok with the fact that others might have different life views than yours

  • If you're looking for a group of yes men, agreeing with what you want to work on, instead of challenging you to work on what you NEED to work on

In-person meetings for the Brotherhood Beyond Business Mastermind are designed to foster deep connections and offer substantial value through focused discussions and engaging activities. These gatherings are typically held in desirable destination locations like Florida and Arizona, chosen based on the convenience for group members.

Key Features of the In-Person Meetings:

  • Location and Venues: While most meetings will be hosted at a spacious Airbnb to ensure a comfortable and intimate setting, other venues may be considered depending on logistical needs.

  • Duration and Schedule: Each event spans two days, with meetings scheduled either Monday-Tuesday or Thursday-Friday, depending on the specific group.

    • We do expect a full 2 days, so plan to fly in the night before Day 1 and leave on Day 3, not the evening of Day 2.

  • Hot Seat Sessions: Every participant will have a dedicated one-hour "hot seat" session, allowing for an in-depth exploration of their primary opportunity or obstacle, facilitating personalized advice and actionable insights.

  • Thought Provoking Time: The first day typically begins with big picture discussions, including presentations and activities designed to introduce new topics or delve deeply into specific processes. This is aimed at stimulating strategic thinking and setting the stage for profound conversations over the two days.

  • Evening Social Events: To promote camaraderie and relaxation, evenings are reserved for social events. These can include activities such as escape rooms, beach outings, hikes, or casual games like cornhole, offering opportunities to bond, network, and enjoy each other's company.

By combining structured, intensive sessions with enjoyable social activities, the Brotherhood Beyond Business Mastermind ensures that each in-person meeting is both productive and enjoyable, fostering a strong sense of community and support among members.

Only $299/month

Initial 6 month commitment, then month to month after that.

Initial 3 month commitment, then month to month after that.

Join the Brotherhood!

Next Group Starts January 2025

Download this book and we'll walk you through the domains as well as we have a full assessment that helps you determine what areas you are weak at so you know where in your life you need improvement

  • Learn about the 10 Domains and what each one entails

  • Get keystone habits to focus on for each domain

  • see some metrics to use to measure progress in these domains

  • take the assessment and your strengths and weakness analysis

Trev Warnke's journey is a testament to the power of entrepreneurship, grit, and a commitment to continuous growth. From his upbringing in the heart of the business world to his ventures in fitness and beyond, Trev has consistently demonstrated an unwavering determination to succeed.

Growing up under the wing of his father, who built a thriving business from scratch in a small Iowa town, Trev absorbed invaluable lessons in business acumen and perseverance. Witnessing firsthand the slow but steady growth of his father's enterprise, Trev learned the importance of learning on the job and the relentless drive required to overcome obstacles.

Stepping into the role of COO of his father's company at just 22, Trev embraced the challenges of leadership and management with gusto. Over the course of four years, he transformed the manufacturing arm of the business, elevating it to new heights of productivity and profitability. Through a combination of fostering a positive company culture, streamlining processes, and making tough decisions, Trev proved his mettle as a dynamic leader.

Fueled by a passion for fitness, Trev embarked on a new chapter in his entrepreneurial journey by co-founding Game Changing Performance with his close friend Nathan Johnson. The success of their venture spurred Trev to expand, leading to the establishment of a second gym and a foray into commercial real estate. Weathering the storms of COVID-19, Trev's resilience and strategic foresight ensured the survival and growth of his fitness businesses.

However, Trev's ambitions transcended the confines of brick and mortar establishments. Recognizing the need for comprehensive support for small businesses, he founded Level Up Business, a service company aimed at easing the burdens of entrepreneurship. Yet, it was his deeper calling to empower fellow entrepreneurs to achieve holistic success that gave rise to the Brotherhood Beyond Business. Drawing upon his diverse experiences and personal development journey, Trev envisioned a community where entrepreneurs could thrive not only in their businesses but also in their personal lives.

Join the Mastermind Today and Find the Brothers Who Will Support You On The Journey To Fulfillment

Next Group Starts January 2025

© 2024 Brotherhood Beyond Business. All Rights Reserved.